Friday, April 18, 2008

Basketball time!!

It's a family affair here in Dublan- Ward Basketball! They have a primary league, young women young men, Men, and Relief Society. Wow, I am suprised how much I have enjoyed playing, mainly for the exercise and the one hour break of not having to hold Tanner. I am definitely not the point maker on the team but I have to say I am probably the fastest and pretty good defensively, (not to brag or anything!).... The primary also plays and the boys are having a blast. Here are some pictures of the fun and yes, I also have a new permanent accessory- Tanner will not let me put him down. I am not kidding, he screams the whole time I am playing


BarbaraJo said...

Cute. I do NOT miss those days of b-ball. HA. I would love to come and watch though. Who is the only guy in the middle? Lamoni?
Thank you so much for the Hooter Hider. You really need to market them and sell them. You are very good.

vicki said...

You are also the cutest on the team! Your mother-in-law is a close second! Have fun! Mom

laurice. said...

Way to go Meghan!

Kirsten said...

Hi! cute new blog template!! I love it! and I loved the stories you told about BBall! They were so funny!
oh and I talked to mom on sunday and she told me the April fool's joke you did on Jared! Funny! You never told me about that!

Rachelle Vernon Jones said...

love it! i'm almost sad i missed it- until i heard about shauna's broken hand! it seems like it would have been fun. sounds like the team is lucky to have ya!

The Farmer's Wife said...

What would we do without church BB? hummmmm ...I love watching the little kids have such a great time!