Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Little Helper

Today I looked out the window and saw Bongo mowing the lawn right alongside the yardman. It was so cute i had to snap a few pictures of it.


Rachelle Vernon Jones said...

love it! that picture is too funny of bongo and the yardman. that yardman better stay FAR AWAY from my bongo's toes! cute helping boy! awwwww!

laurice. said...

That is too precious!

Me... said...

Too bad, as they get older, they won't always think mowing the lawn is fun! Reminds me of the concept in Tom Sawyer when he tricked his friends into thinking that painting the fence was fun, and not work! I bet Constance got a kick out of it!

Ashley said...

That is hilarious! Funny thing is... I have a picture of me when I was about the same age mowing THAT SAME lawn with our yard man at the time! haha... what are the odds??? =)

BarbaraJo said...

toO Cute. I love your kids. Have fun at the beach...I am jealous. I want to retire and become a beach BUM!

vicki said...

What a cutie our Bongo is! I could just squeeze him! Have fun at the deserve a break!
Love ya,

Terra Zobrist said...

That is so funny. I am so glad mama houseman told me you had a blog. I didn't even know about your baby! Your boys are so cute.

toni said...

Bongo is the cutest (and funniest!) kid i know! Those pictures are precious. I didn't know him and Constance were buddies!

Mom2my10 @ 11th Heaven said...

If only they loved to do that as much when they turn 16!

Kirsten said...

I love those pictures... Bongo is so dang cute!! Have a great time on Vacation... while I am getting SURGERY!!! I guess that is a little bit of a vacation... I will be laying in bed reading the 4th book of Twilight and milking it for all its worth!!

zdylanh said...

K I am laughing... I JUST changed my background on my blog and then decided to check yours... same background- guess great minds think alike! How was El Paso and the beach?

BarbaraJo said...

R u home?? How was the beach? Greg and Kami are in and Jared should come up to visit Sunday evening.