Thursday, February 19, 2009


Anyone want to come over and help me tackle this mountain of laundry? They were working on our plumbing the last few days and this is the result! (this is just the darks pile). Don't count on seeing me out and about today!


BarbaraJo said...

That looks like my kitchen every Monday morning. I HATE Mondays! I am sorry. I feel your pain.

Meredith said...

bummer. make kason and jamison do the folding. even ryder, he'll love it.`

Kirsten said...

fly me out and i will do all of your laundry while i am there! does that sound like a deal or what?? :)

Kirsten said...

Hey! I just realized that we have the same background! great minds think alike!

Elder Romney's mission said...

Wow. The laundry is the easy part, the putting away...well thats another story have fun!

laurice. said...

ahh...the never ending battle. I hate putting laundry away!

Me... said...

Oh, bless your soul!!! I have about the same amount of laundry each week. I went from doing laundry for one, to doing laundry for four (that was culture shock!!!). But I made things easier by having the boys fold/hang all their clean clothes up. I put their clean laundry in front of the TV, throw out oodles of hangers, and tell them to go to town while they watch cartoons! It actually works pretty well and they only mildly complain. :-)

Toni Call said...

the sad thing is, my pile is just about that big... and it's only ONE persons laundry! Not having a washer and dryer really blows, because i have to pay to use a laundromat and i never have time (or the energy!) to go do it.