Monday, June 9, 2008

I'm a big boy now!!

Much to my astonishment Ryder is making HUGE strides in potty training this week. I can't believe it because just last week I would have to pin him down to put underwear on him and then he would take them right off. He had no interest whatsoever. So, I was thinking, he is really into ownership (as most 2 years olds are) and told him "these aren't your underwear, I will give them to Kason, their his" Wow did that work wonders, he immediately said, "no not Kason's MINE" I used the same psychology about his potty seat and now he has been wearing underwear and using the potty for almost a week now! He even tells me when he has to go. This is a great relief as I was changing 2 babies diapers around 12-15 per day. Here he is proudly on "HIS" potty seat eating a ice cream cone going pee, I know this is not too sanitary, but whatever it takes, right???? Also check out my new bathroom tile, I have completely remodeled my 50 year old bathroom, more pictures to come later (as soon as Jared puts up that darn light fixture!!!)


Rachelle Vernon Jones said...

yea for ryder!! good job mommy! don't worry, i won't tell uncle cj about the eating+potty thing. big boy ryder! cute cute.

Toni Call said...

Ryder is too funny! I'm happy for you... i can't imagine what it would be like to have to change 2 kids diapers!

BarbaraJo said...

Good job! Love your shower curtain.

laurice. said...

Wow! Wished it was us I am so over dipers!

Kirsten said...

I am so proud of you, Ryder!!! You are a big boy!!! And good job mom!!! It is a big accomplishment for BOTH child and parent!!

I miss him so much!! He is so cute and funny and I love him!! BTW, LOVE the tile!!! It looks gorgeous!! Can't wait to see more pictures!!!

Mom2my10 @ 11th Heaven said...

You definitely need to save that picture for his eternal companion.