Thursday, May 22, 2008

Kisses and teeth

Tanner loves to look at himself in the mirror and give himself big kisses, it is so cute! He also got his two little bottom teeth and is working on the top , they are black and blue and he has been running a fever and been miserable for about a week now. It is so sad how fast they grow up


Kirsten said...

He is looking more and more different to me! Who does he look like??

Kirsten said...

He sure is cute, though!!

Toni Call said...

Tell him to stop growing up! I want him to stay a baby for forever. He'll never really know me, poor kid. He's missing out because i really am the coolest aunt ever.

Rachelle Vernon Jones said...

sweet tanner. he's my second favorite baby for cuddling!! i hope he pops thru those big chompies soon! black and blue? like poor livi all over!