Thursday, May 22, 2008

New Family Member

Much to my dismay, we got yet another pet cat. We have gone through several and am not sure I am ready to start again. Some have run away, others have died. Our favorite was an orange cat Kason named Garfield that died about 7 months ago- right after Tanner was born. Kason, my animal lover, was devasted. A few months after that I was in a teacher's conference with Kason's preschool teacher and she told me how much Kason loved his cat Garfield and always talked about him and drew pictures of him. I was in shock. I told the teacher the cat had been dead for months and she told me Kason never said it had died. I felt sooo bad. Well, our neighbors cat had kittens and the boys talked me into taking a cute little gray one home. Kason is thrilled and loves to hold it and play with him. And of course, he is a boy. Kason has named him E.T. (he is obsessed with this movie right now)


laurice. said...

Love the name! That broke my heart that he talked all the time about the other one like it was still alive! The fun....when I first moved here and the circus was in town one of the elephants got lose and was wandering through town and I remember thinking where do I live!

Kirsten said...

Cute name!! Love it! I love Kason! He is so cute and you are such a sucker for getting another cat!! haha!! I have learned my lesson and will NEVER get any more animals!!

Toni Call said...

Kason is just like me when i was little! I ALWAYS had a pet cat. They all ran away or died somehow, but i would always convince my mom to get me a new one. SHe would always say "Will YOU feed him and take of him every single day?", of course i said I would, but we all know that only lasted the first few days. Poor mom! I can't believe my "kitty" (who never got a real name) is still around!

BarbaraJo said...

The circus was great. Not bad for MExico. IT was fun to see you...wish we could have visited more. I can't believe how much everyone changes when you don't see them on a daily basis. We miss you guys.