Thursday, May 22, 2008

Lions and Tigers and Bears, OH MY!!

Jared's dad called me up and told me the circus just got into town and was setting up less than a mile from our house. So, during lunch break I picked up the kids and my nephew Zander and we all went over to see the animals. I couldn't believe it, we saw zebras, camels, tigers, cheetahs, hyenas, elephants, ponies, and a hippo, right there less than a meter away! It was so much fun and the kids got a kick out of it. We loved watching this elephant drinking from his trunk and then putting it into his mouth. I am always sad I can't take the kids to the zoo because it is not close but who needs a zoo when we have the circus!!


The Farmer's Wife said...

we have been loving the animals at the circus too! we have made several visits:)

Toni Call said...

How fun for the boys to see! Did you guys ever go to the actual circus?